Vegan Feminist Bakers at the Female Glaze

When we went to the Be The Future vegan market on Saturday we were very fortunate that the Vegan Feminist Bakers from the Female Glaze were there too 😀

As you can imagine, Miranda went back and forth to their stall to buy vital sustenance for us …

and gifts for he who was not there 😉

If you live in London you might already know the joy of biting into a soft Marsha P Johnson chocolate & orange cookie, or a Melitta Bentz coffee and walnut cookie, but if you don’t you really should.

The Vegan Feminist Bakers, Alessia & Francesca, say The Female Glaze is not only a business that is kind to animals, but it also promotes women empowerment by sourcing from women-run and ethical suppliers. They further add –

Remember, women belong in the kitchen, men belong in the kitchen, non-binary folks belong in the kitchen… Everybody get to the kitchen: there’s cake in there!”

Francesca and Alessia will personally deliver your cookies if you live in London (zones 1 to 6), or you can opt for tracked delivery if you live outside London. Don’t be put off if everything in the shop is marked ‘out of stock’, they had to put a cap on their weekly deliveries as everything is handmade by Francesca and she’s only one human! So if the shop page says all items are out of stock, it means they have reached capacity and their delivery slots are full, but they’ll re-stock on Tuesdays at 10am. Cut-off for orders is 5pm on Mondays for Wednesdays delivery and 5pm on Thursdays for Saturdays delivery.

So now you know, if you didn’t already –

veganism is not a sacrifice,

it’s a joy ❤

Sunday. London. Be The Future Vegan Market. Be there!

The Be The Future market is back!

Full of stalls selling exclusively vegan products – eg toiletries, make up, clothes, chocolates, food and drink, and of course VEGAN CHILDREN’S BOOKS!

The prices of our books range from £2.50 to £10

but they’re free to book fairies! 😀

So come on, spend Sunday with lots of other lovely vegans!

Head over to Stoke Newington and treat yourself!

Abney Public Hall, 73A Church Street, Stoke Newington, LONDON, N16 0AS

Sunday 16th August 2020

10 ’til 5

Click here for more info and how to get there

and go to @bethefuture_market on Instagram to see who’s going to be there 😀

See you soon!

Marcus Gad – Purify

Purify your body head to toe
Your thoughts inna your mind and slowly make Jah rhythm flow
Nature is the keeper of your body and your soul
Even all of that you’ll never truly own

Brothers sisters watch out what you put in your body
If you are what you eat then think about what you must be
If you still feed yourself upon their industry
They sell the whole world illusion of fertility
Robbing humans, animals and plants of their dignity
To feed the masses but to feed their greed specially
They breed the hybrid and manipulate Jah very seeds
Agro-chemistry is like a war technology
They destroyed all over the Earth the soil microbiology
To bring about a new kind of captivity
Control the food and you control the whole of humanity

Look into infinity, humble before a Tree
And Purify…

Bring a healing to a nation
Give them the seed for plantation
Sovereignty resides in the heart of the land
And what you a go do with the strength inna your hands

The seeds they took away and wiped away all diversity
Testing their madness in the soils of so-called third world countries
To force the people in labor and poverty
Dis a what ya call a modern day slavery
Referenced mostly hybrids in them legal catalog

Made all ancient seeds illegal like any drug
So you must buy their machines and their chemicals
And produce all the food according to their laws.

vegan music, nature, natural, organic, agriculture, food, vegan, health,

Get meat off hospital menus!!!

My dad, who suffers from heart disease, was told to “eat more meat” by his GP as a response to his iron deficiency!  And when he went into hospital last year for stent operations there was not a single vegan option on the Coronary Care Unit menu.  I complained to the hospital but they ignored me.  This is madness!  Support and share Plant Based Health Professionals‘ campaign to get meat off hospital menus:  Give Bacon The Boot!

Thank you 🙂

Healthy Eating for Life FOR CHILDREN

From the Foreword by Neal Barnard, M.D.:  The writing of this book was motivated by the observation that many parents are unclear about how best to nourish their children at different stages of development.  Well-intentioned parents like you want to do the very best for the long-term health and well-being of their children.  They need help knowing where to begin.

Our hope is that by assembling an expert panel of doctors and nutritionists and by providing well-researched, easy-to-read information on healthy eating during childhood, we can help you promote excellent health for your children throughout their lives.


Boy I wish I’d had this book when my children were little, then I wouldn’t have been misled by my GP who pleaded with me not to make my baby vegan, saying that children need dairy for at least their first five years!  I was very young, inexperienced and, since it was way before the internet, there was no one else to ask.  It was another eleven years before we had enough information to understand that he was wrong, and our transition from vegetarianism to veganism left us feeling better than ever.

But that didn’t prevent us being misjudged by another GP when I took my youngest to the doctor when she was about 11 because she was getting recurring headaches.  I’d assumed she was suffering from migraines but as soon as the GP heard we were vegan she sucked in her breath over her teeth and said with confidence

“Calcium deficiency!”

I insisted that that wasn’t it, we get enough calcium from our fruit and vegetables, but she would not be dissuaded from her conclusion and sent us away after telling us to take some multi-vitamins, without doing any tests or examination.  Some months later, thanks to a good  GP advising us to go the optician and see if the headaches were due to a need for glasses, it was discovered that there was haemorrhaging behind her eyes caused by a benign brain tumour.

The world and medical practitioners are so much more enlightened nowadays though aren’t they?  Thanks to the internet and such widely available information shared online by vegan individuals, groups and organisations.  So you’d think that no one would be in danger of getting the kind of bad advice we got back then.

I was shocked to discover a few weeks ago that that’s not true.  A friend of mine took her eleven and a half month-old baby for her ‘one year review’ by a Health Visitor at a children’s centre in Brighton and was told she should be transitioning her baby off breast milk and onto cows’ milk – for the calcium!!!!!!!

Thankfully my friend knows better but lots of people, like me all those years ago, will be swayed by this shockingly bad advice.  That’s why this book is brilliant.  Because it comes from the Physicians’ Committee for Responsible Medicine, written by Amy Lanou, Ph.D. who is Nutrition Director of the Physicians’ Committee (or she was when this was first published back in 2002 – oh I wish I’d had it then!) and got her doctoral degree from Cornell University, readers can rest assured that the book can be relied upon.  And it’s got so much!  From a healthy pregnancy to healthy breast feeding to healthy nutrition for your child for the rest of his or her life, this book tells you everything you need to know 🙂

And it even provides you with a ton of healthy delicious recipes:

I bought this one for my friend, but now I’m going to get another one for me!

Author:  Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine with Amy Lanou, Ph.D.

Genre:  Non-fiction, Plant-Based Nutrition

Recommended for teens and up

Format:  Paperback (272 pages) and Kindle Edition

Published:  February 2002

ISBN-10:  0471436216

ISBN-13:  978-0471436218

Dimensions:  15.5 x 1.9 x 22.7 cm

Available from the Physicians’ Committee for Responsible Medicine and Amazon


nutrition, health, vegan, vegetarian, books, non-fiction, plant-based nutrition, children, raising healthy children, healthy pregnancy, nursing mothers, healthy breastfeeding, raising vegan children, food, healthy eating, healthy recipes, healthy recipe book, vegan recipe book

Love Unity Voice

Check out the new vegan online magazine LUV4All – 25 fantastic articles from vegans around the world. There’s so much fascinating and inspiring stuff to read – I’m reading one article a day. Like this one: Nation Rising by Sheanne Moskaluk, about a Canadian campaigning group who are demanding their government stop subsidising animal farming and instead spend their tax dollars helping animal farmers to transition to crop farming.  You can watch a video of highlights of the protest speeches and interviews at Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Canada.

There’s an article by Katrina Fox about a new law in Missouri which bans the use of ‘meat’ terminology to describe any food products that haven’t come from a slaughtered animal.  It means that vegan brands could face imprisonment or a fine of up to $1,000 if they use words like ‘sausage’ or ‘hot dog’ on their packaging or describe their products as plant-based ‘meat’.  It’s absolutely crazy and of course is whole heartedly supported by the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association, because they want to ‘protect the integrity of their products’!!!!!!

Honestly, this mag has so much – you can read about activism, animal rescue, health, athletics, lifestyle, raising vegan kids, there’s even an article about Violet’s Vegan Comics 😉 It shares veganism from all walks of life, everyone playing to their strengths and being part of the solution.  This is only the second edition (the first came out in May this year) so if you don’t want to risk missing it in the future, make sure you subscribe in the top right hand corner of the Home Page 😀


Planetwise at Bridlington

If you happen to be anywhere near to Bridlington on the East Yorkshire coast, you might like to pop in to a lovely vegan shop called Planetwise at 12 Prospect Street 🙂

They sell all sorts of vegan staples in the way of food as well as clothes and other essentials like story books 😉

Ok, that picture’s a bit blurry, hang on, let me find another one ….

There, that’s better – look at those lovely books to browse and buy.  Don’t they look familiar? 😉  Ooh, is that an ice cream freezer in the background there? Vegan ice cream on a hot day.  What could be better?

So, Planetwise looks like a great place to visit doesn’t it?  Food, clothes, quality reading material, and perhaps a bit of yoga?  Oh, I forgot to mention, Planetwise is also a yoga studio!

If you’re nowhere near East Yorkshire you might consider taking a trip up there on Sunday August 5th for Bridlington’s first ever vegan festival!  There’ll be delicious vegan food, live music, speakers, holistic therapies, cookery demonstrations, local vegan crafts, children’s entertainment and activities, and lots of stalls selling ethical, vegan, eco-friendly products like clothes, books, toiletries and food.  Tickets available from the Bridlington Spa website 🙂

Check out our new What’s On page to find out more 😀

Plastic Free Crisps!!!

For anyone determined to avoid plastic, non-essentials like crisps are the first to go.  But now thanks to Walkers, they don’t have to be!

Walkers have brought out cardboard tubes of crisps without even a plastic lid!  The top is cardboard which is easy to peel off, so absolutely no plastic required.

So, when you’re feeling snackish and want something crunchy and savoury, grab yourself a tube of Walkers Stax 😀

[ DISCLAIMER: These are not a health food 😉 ]


Click here for the rest of our PLASTIC AVOIDANCE TACTICS 😀

She said, he said …


So she told him, “going vegan would solve your bovine TB problem.  Leave the badgers alone and grow carrots!”

“Ooh, and what did he say?”

“Nothing yet, he can’t think of an answer.”


vegan, vegan growing, vegan farming, cows, animals, badgers, food, health, vegan cartoon, vegan comic, vegetarian, plant food

The Cake!

… when the buzzer went off he put on his oven gloves and carefully removed the cake from the hot oven.  He took it out of the tin and put it on a wire rack to cool.

vegan children's story

When it was cool, Cedro sliced it in half and spread jam in the middle to make a big jam sandwich cake.

vegan children's story

Next, Cedro weighed out 4 ounces of icing sugar and sieved it into a bowl.  To that he added about 3 teaspoons of water and 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence and stirred until the icing was thick and smooth.

vegan children's story

He spread the icing on the cake.

vegan children's story

Then he decorated it beautifully with deliciously sweet organic raisins.

vegan children's story


continues tomorrow 🙂

but if you don’t want to wait you can read the whole story now 😀


vegan story, vegan children’s story, vegan children’s book, vegan picture book

Recommended Reading: FRUITS – A Caribbean counting poem

Fruits - a Caribbean counting poem

We love this book!

Fruits - a Caribbean counting poem

It’s so perfect!  Full of vibrant colour and light.

Fruits - a Caribbean counting poem

Valerie Bloom’s happy, funny poem is gorgeously illustrated by David Axtell.

Fruits - a Caribbean counting poem

Every page is full of delicious mischief and tasty, sweet, juicy fruit.

Fruits - a Caribbean counting poem

The rhyming story is told in the first person from the point of view of a delightfully naughty little girl who loves fruit and eats as much as she can get her hands on while teaching little sis how to get it without getting caught.

Fruits - a Caribbean counting poem

The written-in Caribbean accent naturally adds sunshine to the words and you really feel like you’re inside the head of big sis; which makes you as eager as she to taste all those juicy fruits.

Fruits - a Caribbean counting poem

I probably shouldn’t show any more, wouldn’t want to spoil the ending 😉 You really should get down to the library and borrow this wonderful book (or get your own copy) – especially if you’ve got a little one who’s learning to count.

Highly highly recommended 😀

Children have good instincts

Ilana Kadonoff

Ilana Kadonoff

Meet Ilana Kadonoff, owner of the Canadian vegan company Sweets From The Earth.

She says:

“It all began with a rabbit.

Yes, the cute fluffy little animal is in a way responsible for Sweets From The Earth. It was the mid-70s, and my dad went out hunting with a neighbor. The next day, the neighbor came over with rabbit stew, and as a 7 year-old animal lover, I was horrified. It was then I declared myself a vegetarian. I began fending for myself in the kitchen amongst my meat-eating family, and learned to love cooking and then…baking.

My passion for food meant that years later when I adopted a vegan lifestyle, I didn’t think for an instant of giving up my love of luscious, decadent desserts. Instead, I decided to learn the craft and science of baking in pastry school, and soon enough discovered that no animals or animal by-products need be used in the making of sweet delicious things. I began whipping up the kind of scrumptious cookies, cakes and treats that dessert lovers everywhere dream about, and in 2002, Sweets From The Earth was born.

Today, Sweets From The Earth makes a full line of original recipe, egg and dairy-free baked goods, which are made all the more delectable by using only the best all natural, 100% plant-based, GMO-free ingredients.
Bonus: You don’t have to be vegan or have dietary restrictions to love these desserts – any old sweet tooth will do. They’re a healthier alternative to your run-of-the-mill baked goods, and you’ll never miss what’s missing from them!

And where is all this yumminess created? In two separate facilities: One dedicated dairy, egg, peanut and nut-free, the other dairy, egg wheat and gluten-free.” 

This is a great story of a child trusting their natural good instincts and not being swayed by grown-ups – she reminds me a little of Luke Walker for whom it also began with a rabbit 😀

And look at these for a happy ending:

gluten-free, fair trade, espresso cheese cake

gluten-free, fair trade, espresso cheese cake

gf flourless cashew cookies

gluten free flourless cashew cookies

nut-free vanilla cupcake

nut-free vanilla cupcake

And those are just a little taster.  Get over to Sweets From The Earth and see what else they’ve got!


Purezza pizza!


Yesterday I went with a friend to visit Purezza, the UK’s only plant-based pizzeria!  All their food is vegan, organic and environmentally friendly.  I had a brilliant time there!  The food was delicious!  I was blown away by the fantastic selection to choose from – I can’t wait to go back and try all the pizzas.  I had the Marinara pizza, which is tomato sauce, with garlic, oregano and basil, while my friend had the Margherita pizza, which is tomato sauce with cheese and basil.  They were absolutely gorgeous!!  Phenomenal flavours.


Purezza vegan plant based pizza delicious and wonderful for everyone!

Here you can see the starters and specials – I was very tempted by the garlic bread, I definitely want to get some of that next time!  I’d also like to try the Hoisin pizza, and the Nacho pizza!


Here they are!  I was so excited by the arrival of my pizza that I forgot to take a picture of it before I started eating!  This is the Marinara:


And this is the Margherita:


Here is a slice of mine – it’s really perfect pizza, so thin and soft and crunchy all at the same time.


Once we had finished our pizzas we could not resist the dessert menu!  I was just so thrilled by the selection!  I was very tempted by the Apple Pie Calzone, the Chocolate Brownie and the Cheesecake, especially as they all come with a scoop of ice cream!  But when we came to order, the waiter recommended the Chocolate Calzone, so I had that!


And I was very glad that I did!  The Chocolate Calzone is heavenly!  It’s a folded pizza with Italian chocolate spread, walnuts and pistachios!!!  And I chose to have it with chocolate ice cream.  Isn’t it beautiful?  It’s a work of art!  And it tastes so good too!


It was delicious!  I recommend it to you all.



As soon as I got home I wanted to go back.  I can’t wait to go back and try everything else on the menu!  I hope you can visit them too, and see how wonderful it all is!  The staff were really friendly and helpful, checking on us a few times to see that everything was great.  The music was lovely too.

Food Wordsearch

food wordsearch

Search for the following food items and draw a line through them – they might be forwards, backwards, vertical, upside down or diagonal.  And you don’t have to print it out if you don’t want to – just click on the pic, then right click and save it to your computer, then open it in ‘paint’, or whatever picture editing program you’ve got, and you can draw the lines on there 🙂







Being Resourceful

It got to that time of week again – the day before food shopping.  The cupboards were looking quite bare and Miranda and I were feeling very peckish.  We’d finished off the last flapjack the day before and there were no munchies left in the house.  There must be something I could make, I said to myself, but what?  I had no flour left.

But I was determined.

What I did have was some rolled oats, some sugar, some olive oil, some cocoa and some sultanas.

*And this is what I did:

Weighed out 8 ounces of rolled oats and put them through the food processor to make a rough oat flour.  Put the flour in a bowl, added 2 teaspoons of baking powder, 1 ounce of cocoa, a generous load of sultanas and 4 ounces of sugar, and mixed it all together thoroughly.  Then I added 4 fluid ounces (120 ml) of olive oil and 5 tablespoons of water to the dry mixture and combined to form a very moist cookie mixture.  I put heaped teaspoons of this onto lined baking sheets and baked at 180°c for 20 minutes.

vegan chocolate cookies

Oh wow!

These are amazing!

Even better than when I make them with spelt.

vegan chocolate cookies

So quick.  So easy.

So beautifully crisp on the outside, moist on the inside, chocolatey, delicious, fair trade, organic,


and gluten free 😀

Oh wow!  These are amazing!

* Adapted from the chocolate chip cookie recipe in the brilliant Unqualified Education

Miranda at Shavt


Shavt “Simply Healthy And Vegan Things” is a brilliant shop which I visited while I was in Belgium.  They have a great selection of vegan foods for meals, snacks and sweets as well as other things like lip balm!

Unfortunately my camera battery died after I took this picture.  But!  I want to recommend you go and look at these other blogs which have great posts to show off the wonders of Shavt!

Click here for Sophie’s post on Sophie’s Foodie Files!  Which has lots of great pictures of inside Shavt. 😀 

Click here for the Bruges Vegan’s post about Shavt!  Where you get to see the Shavt vegan cheese, close up and ready to eat 😉 

You can also pop over to see the Shavt website!  Click Here.

We Woz Ere! But where?

Remember this game? You have to see if you recognise anything in these pictures and work out where we were before clicking on the link at the end.  Give it a go!

Remember this game? You have to see if you recognise anything in these pictures and work out where we were before clicking on the link at the end. Give it a go!

Gorgeous veg*n cafe - clean, bright, comfortable, friendly ...

Gorgeous veg*n cafe – clean, bright, comfortable, friendly …

... with delicious selection of veg*n food to choose from.  Sorry I didn't hold my breath when taking this photo - don't look at it too long, it'll make you feel dizzy!

… with a delicious selection of veg*n food to choose from. Sorry I didn’t hold my breath when taking this photo – don’t look at it too long, it’ll make you feel dizzy!

This one's a bit easier on the eyes - and not just because it's in focus!

This one’s a bit easier on the eyes – and not just because it’s in focus!

Here's a clearer look at the menu.

Here’s a clearer look at the menu from the outside.  We indulged in scrambled tofu with salad and baked potato, followed by a scrumptious slice of vegan, gluten-free chocolate cake.  Mmm mmmmmm!

Have you got it yet?

Have you got it yet?

We loved this place - you should definitely visit if you are in the area.  We'll certainly be returning next time we're visiting family in that neck of the woods.  Do you know where this is?

We loved this place – you should definitely visit if you are in the area. We’ll certainly be returning next time we’re visiting family in that neck of the woods. Do you know where this is?

And the answer is …. here!

There should be one in every town 🙂

Vegan Organic Fair-Trade

vegan organic fair trade

Today I ate a bar of chocolate,

Vegan organic fair trade.

For taste, enjoyment and ethics it

Put other bars in the shade.


My chocolate went down so smoothly with

A piping hot cup of tea,

Vegan organic and fair trade too,

Happy indulgence for me.


Bananas we eat

And oranges sweet,

Are vegan organic fair trade.


On porridge we add

Sugar, just a tad,

That’s vegan organic fair trade.


The coffee and cocoa

And fruit that we can’t grow,

All vegan organic fair trade.


Vegan organic fair trade.

Vegan organic fair trade.

Just make up your mind

To keep purchases kind,

Buy vegan organic fair trade.