Vegan Feminist Bakers at the Female Glaze

When we went to the Be The Future vegan market on Saturday we were very fortunate that the Vegan Feminist Bakers from the Female Glaze were there too 😀

As you can imagine, Miranda went back and forth to their stall to buy vital sustenance for us …

and gifts for he who was not there 😉

If you live in London you might already know the joy of biting into a soft Marsha P Johnson chocolate & orange cookie, or a Melitta Bentz coffee and walnut cookie, but if you don’t you really should.

The Vegan Feminist Bakers, Alessia & Francesca, say The Female Glaze is not only a business that is kind to animals, but it also promotes women empowerment by sourcing from women-run and ethical suppliers. They further add –

Remember, women belong in the kitchen, men belong in the kitchen, non-binary folks belong in the kitchen… Everybody get to the kitchen: there’s cake in there!”

Francesca and Alessia will personally deliver your cookies if you live in London (zones 1 to 6), or you can opt for tracked delivery if you live outside London. Don’t be put off if everything in the shop is marked ‘out of stock’, they had to put a cap on their weekly deliveries as everything is handmade by Francesca and she’s only one human! So if the shop page says all items are out of stock, it means they have reached capacity and their delivery slots are full, but they’ll re-stock on Tuesdays at 10am. Cut-off for orders is 5pm on Mondays for Wednesdays delivery and 5pm on Thursdays for Saturdays delivery.

So now you know, if you didn’t already –

veganism is not a sacrifice,

it’s a joy ❤

Plastic Avoidance: Part Two

Update 23.11.21:

You can now buy Vego hazelnut chocolate bars (yum yum yum) in compostable wrappers:

Vego Vegan fair trade chocolate in compostable packaging

And Plamil Cocoa Bites – chocolate chunks (yummy yummy) in paper bags:

Plamil Cocoa Bites vegan fair trade plastic-free chocolate

Sweet Treats

Doing without plastic doesn’t have to mean doing without.

Let’s get our priorities straight and start with chocolate 😀

The chocolates pictured above tick all the right boxes:

1.  They’re vegan

2.   They’re fair trade (included on the ethical chocolate list)

3.  They’re organic


4.  They’re not wrapped in plastic 😀

  • Since I wrote this, Vivani have replaced the aluminium foil in their chocolate wrappers with a new clear film called natureflex foil.  It is a completely sustainable film made on the basis of wood fibre which is fully compostable (in good composting conditions approximately within 40 days).

In fact, as far as we can tell, there is only one downside to these particular chocolates – they don’t last long! 😉

Vivani is new to us and we’re so glad we found them.  Their chocolate is absolutely gorgeous – I’ve eaten a lot of chocolate over the years and I think I can confidently say that this is the best ever!  My favourite is the White Nougat Crisp, no, the Mandel Orange Rice Choc, no no, it’s the Crispy Corn Flakes Rice Choc …. no, I can’t choose between them, their entire vegan range is completely amazing (be aware that sadly not all their products are vegan, but a lot of them are).  Check out their whole range here 🙂

The Ombars are gorgeous too – especially for those who like their chocolate rich and dark and nutritious, coz it’s raw 🙂 Everything is wonderfully vegan and look what they say about their packaging:

“Like you, we believe in recycling.  So we wrap our bars in recyclable aluminium foil and paper, and ship them in fully-recyclable cardboard. Did you know our button bags are fully compostable? Just throw them in your compost bin with vegetable peelings – within a few weeks the bag will have completely broken down and returned to nature.” (see their FAQs)

We got all these treats from our local Health Food Shop, and we’ve seen Ombars in Waitrose, but if you can’t find them near you, you can buy Ombars online here and Vivani lists their worldwide stockists here 🙂 And of course you can probably find them on Amazon 😉

Ask whoever mails them to you not to use plastic wrapping 😮


If you want more than just chocolate in your plastic-free sweet treat artillery, you can make cakes and biscuits yourself.  Vegan recipes use oil instead of margarine, which can be bought organic in glass bottles; flour comes in paper bags, and sugar … well, I have in recent years felt compelled to buy sugar in plastic bags because I wanted organic fair trade.  However, in prioritising plastic avoidance, I have discovered that I can buy paper-wrapped sugar that is pretty ethical 🙂  I had mistakenly believed that all white sugar had been whitened with bone-char.  However, it seems that’s just cane sugar, not sugar beet.  Sugar from sugar beet is vegan!

Silver Spoon proudly state their commitment to eco-friendliness on their packets:

“Sustainability is nothing new to us – we’ve been working on it for 30 years.  Our sugar beet is homegrown and our bags are recyclable, made with paper from certified forests.  We send nothing to landfill and our excess production energy helps to power British homes.”

 They work directly with 1200 British farmers in East Anglia who grow the beets which are then transported just a short distance to the factory in Bury St Edmunds (also in East Anglia 😀 )

Not bad eh?

So far so plastic-free good.

Click for PLASTIC AVOIDANCE parts three, four, five , six and seven

Commercial Break: Gluten Free, Organic, Fair Trade, Vegan Double Chocolate Chip Cookies

We interrupt this story to bring you a commercial for something very yummy:

Doves Farm organic, gluten free, fair trade, vegan, very crunchy chocolate chocolate chip cookies!!!!!

Find them at your local health food shop, or if you’re lucky they might have them in the Free From section of your supermarket 🙂 Of course there’s always Amazon, or any number of alternative online shops you can find them in 😀

They’re absolutely delicious and very crunchy, but if you prefer your cookies moist, just dunk them in your tea 😀

Mmm, I think it’s time for a little smackerel of something 😉

Cute things children say


My children were brought up vegetarian from birth but when they were very young I didn’t make a fuss about gelatine in sweets that were given to them by other people.  However, one day when they were choosing some sweets at the corner shop after school, I decided to explain to them what gelatine was after they’d both chosen sweets containing it.  Emily, who was 7 years old then, immediately returned the sweets to the shelf and chose some without gelatine.

I turned to Eve, who was only 4, and asked her “Do you want to change yours or are you not old enough to understand?”

She looked thoughtfully at her sweets and then at me and said,

“I don’t think I’m old enough to understand.”

Thus she made the difficult decision to quit gelatine another day 😉

Chocolate Intermission

Raw vegan chocolate

We found some more! Delicious and healthy organic raw vegan chocolate by Raw Living

I chose the Hi Crunch with scrummy goji berries and hemp seeds in, and Miranda chose the White Magic fudge bar.  We were both happy with our selections.

And the thing that made me especially happy to find these guys is that there was NO PLASTIC WRAPPING! NONE!!! Just like they used to be in the olden days, these treats were harmlessly wrapped in foil and paper.  Well done Raw Living, we are very impressed.

So why not check out Raw Living website and see what you fancy 🙂

raw vegan chocolate