71 thoughts on “Why are you a vegan?

  1. Pingback: VEGAN PICTURE BOOK: Why are you a vegan? and other wacky verse for kids – Little Chicken

  2. Pingback: Why are you a vegan? | Duffboy

  3. Hi! Thank you for viewing my blog because I got a chance to see your fantastic comics! These are great, and I am definitely going to share with my friends.

    Happy Living!


  4. Pingback: What Does a Vegan Eat Anyway? #1 | A Map of California

  5. Hello again. That is weird about our comments going into hyperspace (on your other page) and now I can’t leave a reply at all! However, this is no problem because I wanted another wander around your blog, I ended up here and very glad I did. Great post and thanks for Liking my latest. Not to mention all that cow mucus and poo that seeps into milk. Bleurgh! But then cow juice is tailor-made for baby cows and not the two-legged variety of the animal species. Bless ‘em and you too. Excellent blogs, V. Best, R.


  6. Just finished a vegan dinner. As a kid, I elected to be a vegetarian for six years, when “vegan” was not a term in common parlance. But…I have too many food sensitivities–to all legumes & mushrooms, for example–to survive as a vegan. Indian vegan food from Kerala might work. We also have Celiac & Crohn’s in the family, and I find that I don’t care where eggs come from. But I can’t eat many. I have a son at UVM studying food sustainability. I earnestly hope that you, he, and even selective omnivores like me, will help to slow down climate change, as well as plain old pain, in one of its guises. A brief reread of the very old book, *The Jungle* by Upton Sinclair is enough to send me running to sweet potatoes, kale & brown rice.


  7. The pain we put on animals is cruel and then to justify it we eat them. One day from a planet far away the giant chickens of the planet Chick Fillet will come and they will seek revenge for what we did to their distant cousins. Be afraid and look to the skies for the sounds of the chicken. They are angry and we should be afraid, we have eaten their flesh and their eggs they laid. The sky will be falling soon and they will be cruel. Stop the madness now. Eat veggies and fruit.


  8. This is a very fun blog with a serious message. Who says fun can’t be serious and serious can’t be fun? I’m a teacher and my students use the comic strip form for written responses in all kinds of ways. It really opens up their minds and allows for reflective, thoughtful comments and interpretations in ways that more formal written forms cannot.
    Thanks for checking out my blog http://mostlyveganfun.wordpress.com


  9. Pingback: Why are you a vegan? | veganjewels

  10. Haha cute, I like it very much!:) Very original and you captured it in such an innocent way. I love the ending it made me laugh. Especially…`butts`:P As a fellow vegan it`s always nice to find people expressing their views so creatively on what it`s actually like. Thumbs up!


  11. Pingback: Recommended Reading: Why are you a vegan? | Vegan Future

  12. That was great. Love that you say “eggs from the butt!” We need to speak the truth plainly to help our friends see. Thanks Violet and crew.


  13. Hi. I’m so glad you came by my blog today. I was intrigued by your name, so I came to yours. I’m vegan, too, and look forward to reading more of your comics. 🙂 Pat


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