Vegan Crossword Puzzle: Stuff With Protein In

Β Click on the puzzle for a pdf you can download and print

or ‘print screen’ and paste into Paint so you don’t have to print it πŸ˜€


The answers are here πŸ˜€


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vegan, nutrition, plant-based, plant food, vegetables, protein, puzzle, crossword, vegetarian, things to make and do,

Violet’s Veg*n e-Comics Crossword

There's no need to print this out.  Just save the picture; then open it in 'Paint' or equivalent picture editing program; increase size if necessary to make it a comfortable size to write on; choose a suitably-sized font and fill in the answers using the text tool.

There’s no need to print this out. Just save the picture; then open it in ‘Paint’ or equivalent picture editing program; increase size if necessary to make it a comfortable size to write on; choose a suitably-sized font and fill in the answers using the text tool.

crossword clues across blueVVC crossword clues

Here are the answers



crossword for kids