Back under water again, Trevor is looking for Toby

Vegan children’s comic, Marvellous Mildred episode 3, continues.

For the story so far, click here

Oh dear oh dear! I hope they can stop it in time. Come back tomorrow to find out what happens next.

What’s a vegan storybook? you may ask. Well, basically, it’s like any other storybook except the central characters – the heroes – are vegan 😀

How many times have you had your enjoyment of a good story spoilt when the heroes – the people you liked, the people you were rooting for – ate meat or went fishing or bought a leather jacket?

When these things happen in children’s stories they send a message – they tell the child that it’s okay to do these things. The good guys do it so it must be okay. It’s normal.

Well, vegan storybooks do not pretend it’s okay to use, abuse and consume animals. Vegan storybooks create a new normal.

So a vegan storybook is not necessarily about veganism. It is simply a story in which animal exploitation is not normalised.

If you browse the front page you will see we have all sorts of vegan children’s books.

There are picture books and rhyming stories for little ones – one about an alien visitor to Earth, another about making a birthday cake, another about two little pigs trying to get home, another about a panda trying to find the right food and, yes, one about what it means to be vegan. ❤

We have some exciting series of vegan adventure comics for readers aged 8 and up. For example, Reflecto Girl who holds an ancient magic mirror in front of wrong-doers to give them a taste of their own medicine. Venus Aqueous is a champion swimmer who develops the supernatural power to hear and understand the marine animals who call for her help. Megan & Flos are telepathic eco-warriors and one of them is not of this world. Sherman and Geynes are pretend detectives who investigate mysteries of their own invention. The English Family Anderson are a nomadic family who meet an angry ghost. And Marvellous Mildred and the Girl Scout Twins are fearless, and funny, animal rescuers.

For those who prefer their stories in prose we have the funny short stories of Luke Walker: animal stick up for-er – a rebellious eight year old boy who sticks up for animals at every opportunity, regardless of the trouble he gets into with parents and teachers. And there’s the thoughtful diary of a nine year old home-schooler.

There’s even a collection of fairy tales!

All our books are printed by on demand to avoid waste, and the paper used is Forest Council Certified. None of the materials used for printing are animal by-products or animal-tested.

We hope you enjoy these stories as much as we do – you can read them all for free here at Violet’s Vegan Comics – and keep coming back because we’re adding more all the time. We just can’t help ourselves!

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