Sounds like swamps and elves

Continues Monday 🙂


children’s story, children’s comic, vegan comic, vegan comic for children, detective story, vegan detectives, humour, illustration, ink drawings, vegan children, veggie kids, vegetarian, vegan, vegan children’s story, juvenile fiction, art

19 thoughts on “Sounds like swamps and elves

  1. I like these black and white illustrations 🙂 I love all the colourful illustrations on this site, but sometimes black and white has it’s charm too. A classic charm. Like Superman. He is always in blue, and red and a little yellow. But for a good deal of time, he was classic B&W 😀

    B and W Superman

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  2. Aw, I love a good swamp-and-elf book. If they find it, they’ll have to ask if they can borrow it. Although, if he’s always losing things, then maybe that’s a bad idea.

    Liked by 1 person

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