Then he took out the weighing scales …

Then he took out the weighing scales, measured 12 ounces of flour and put it into the mixing bowl.

vegan children's story

To the flour he added 4 slightly heaped teaspoons of baking powder.  And he mixed it in well.

vegan children's story

Next he weighed 6 ounces of sugar and mixed it in with the flour.  He stirred it a lot.

vegan children's story

After that he added the wet ingredients together:

250 ml of water,

vegan children's story

6 tablespoons of sunflower oil and

3 teaspoons of vanilla essence.

vegan children's story

He poured the wet stuff into the dry stuff and mixed it up really well until he had a thick, moist, cake mixture.

vegan children's story

Then he lined a cake tin with eco-friendly grease-proof paper and poured the mixture into it.

vegan children's story

When he’d scraped all he could out of the bowl, Cedro put on his oven gloves and very carefully put the cake tin into the hot oven.

vegan children's story

Cedro set the timer for 75 minutes (which was an hour and a quarter) and ….


To be continued on Monday 🙂

but if you want to know how the cake turns out, you can read the whole story now 😀


#veganpicturebook, #veganchildrensstory, #vegankidsstory, #veganchildrensbook, #vegancake, #vegancakerecipe

16 thoughts on “Then he took out the weighing scales …

  1. Amazing! I should really try harder with gifts. I think I would have given up trying by now. I’d say “sorry Gramps, but it really is the thought that counts, and I really thought about getting you a gift.”

    Liked by 1 person

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