The Princess Who Liked To Be in paperback

The Princess Who Liked To Be Popular

We are delighted to add The Princess Who Liked To Be Popular to our collection of printed books available on Amazon

vegan fairy tale

vegan fairy tale

vegan fairy tale

It’s big and colourful – we’re really pleased with how it’s turned out – and everyone we’ve shown it to really likes it 😉

vegan fairy tale

Though some are not quite as enthusiastic as others:

sharing Princess Primrose

29 thoughts on “The Princess Who Liked To Be in paperback

  1. We got to school “digitally,” that is, all four of my children telecommute to public school via their home computers. Talk about being addicted to our internet service! But we do love our paper-bound books. Just like photos, some things are just meant to be touched and handled.

    PS — It’s a rather good habit to “unplug” regularly. Hence my recent absence from blogging. It’ll happen again, I assure you! Cheers, Violet.


  2. There’s nothing like a ‘proper’ book, and especially for reading with children! I loved this story, Violet – I wish you well with your new publication. The book looks fabulous 🙂


  3. Technology has its place in our lives, sometimes way too much, but nothing can replace holding a real book in one’s hands, feeling the heft, smelling the pages, being able to flip back and forth easily, and making note in the margin or underlining certain passages if one wants to. I think it is essential for young children, especially, to have that experience of “feeling” a book. I love your work and your illustrations.Thank you.


    • I couldn’t agree more. Without technology we wouldn’t be able to do this so I’m glad we’ve got it, but you really can’t beat a paper book and for children, as you say, they’re absolutely essential. Thank you so much for your support and kind words 🙂


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