Javier Culotte loved to wear shoes.

vegetarian shoes

Javier Culotte loved to wear shoes,

He liked them in reds and he loved them in blues.

He sometimes wore tall ones, sometimes they were flat,

But none of them were leather, he made sure of that.


“Leather is not natural,” said Javier Culotte,

“It’s been tanned with dangerous chemicals.

The tanning makes sure the skin won’t rot,

So it’s not even bio-degradable.”


“The stink and the waste and the toxins from tanning,

Are not pleasant things to live by.

So most of it’s done a long way away,

In poor developing countries.”


“They use arsenic and cadmium, chromium and lead,

Mercury, nickel and cobalt.

They use copper and zinc, formaldehyde, nuf said,

Bad for feet, bad for health, bad by default.”


“These metals and dyes and organic compounds,

Are present in the leather.

They leak and may poison the skin of the wearer,

Through contact, through sweat, through blister.”


“It’s bad for the wearer and bad for the tanner,

And it’s carcinogenic to boot.

When dumped it poisons the Earth and ground water

So wearing it’s not too astute.”


“Whatever you want there’s no need for concern,

Vegan footwear has come a long way.

It has the style and function and quality you yearn,

For everything you need day to day.”

vegetarian shoes

Bikers and workers who shun leather gear

Opt for armoured, steel toe-capped synthetics. 

They feel safe in their weather-proof, hi-viz gear

Made from quality, long-lasting fabrics.


Javier Culotte loved to wear shoes,

He liked them in reds and he loved them in blues.

He sometimes wore tall ones, sometimes they were flat,

But none of them were leather, he made sure of that.


shoes drawing




Vegan shoes:








Vegan Motorcyclist:




23 thoughts on “Javier Culotte loved to wear shoes.

    • Ha ha ha 🙂 it’s funny you say that because, when I wrote it, Javier started out fully Spanish, his surname was De Toro, but then I needed it to rhyme with with ‘rot’ so I changed it to Culotte 😀 I love picturing you reading it aloud – thank you for making me laugh x


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