The Folly of Expert Opinions


There was a time, long long ago

When they thought the world was flat.

They worried if they sailed the seas

They’d fall off the end of that.

ducking (1)

In centuries past, in primitive times,

They demonized herbal healers.

They’d label such gifted folk a witch.

Fear and ignorance led to murders.


1908, the Siberian tundra

Was struck by a freak fireball.

Theories abound, though no cause has been found.

Was it meteorite or black-hole?


10,000 crop circles in various forms

Have appeared since ’72

Caused by UFOs, wind or rabbits or hoax?

Who knows who knows?  Do you?


And now here we are, Twenty-Fourteen,

A much more enlightened era.

The experts tell us as the ice starts to melt,

That we should try to live more greener.


Thoughtful, conscientious, sensible types

Recycle their plastic and drive less.

They walk or take the bus to work;

Use low wattage bulbs; try to redress.

animal farming enviro imp

But in 06 The United Nations

Found that animal farming’s the trouble,

Causing land degradation and water pollution,

Gas with high global warming potential.


The experts gathered and consulted and planned

What to do to solve the problem

Of global warming, pollution, disease

Caused by human animal-consumption.

COP14_-_Poznan_2008_UN_Climate_Change_Conference_-_-Troika-_Press_Conference_(Rasmussen,_Tusk,_Witoelar) (1)

“Urgent action is required,” they said,

“To remedy the situation.”

We need cows that don’t fart, recyclable manure,

And more efficient irrigation!

Thumbs up on green background

“Thank goodness for experts!” the populace cries,

“What would we do without them?

When scientists develop unflatulent cows

That will solve the global warming problem.”


“Wouldn’t it be easier,” a schoolboy asked

“To solve that long list of crises

By giving up meat and dairy and leather

And planting more veggies and fruit trees?”


“The experts would tell us,” his teacher replied,

“If there was anything we could do in a hurry.

There’s no need to resort to radical extremes,

Just recycle what you can and don’t worry.”


Click here to look at the report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.  Be aware, you might do a double take when you read that their proposed solutions to the problem are as indicated in the poem.  See Remedies including “Improving animals’ diets to reduce enteric fermentation and consequent methane emissions”

45 thoughts on “The Folly of Expert Opinions

    • “You think that a wall as solid as the earth separates civilization from barbarism. I tell you the division is a thread, a sheet of glass. A touch here, a push there, and you bring back the reign of Saturn.” — John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir, The Power-House


      • I don’t think we need experts, just common sense. It’s common sense not to use up all the world’s natural resources. It’s common sense not to leave a hideous mess and chop down all the trees. It’s common sense not to pollute the water we drink or release noxious gases into the air we breathe. There is no doubt that animal farming is bad for human health and the health of the planet – and we don’t need experts to tell us that because we can see it and feel it in our own bodies – so therefore it’s common sense not to continue with it, regardless of whether the global warming experts are right. 🙂


        • Ahhhhh….common sense. The basest and most “common” of all the senses. But to be honest, Violet, my assessment is that our prehistoric forbears got along pretty well without common sense. When you think about it biological life doesn’t need a pretense at transcendental rationality, culture or civilisation to survive …. just try asking bluegreen algae in a sulphur spring if brains are necessary for physical survival. You’ve been warned 😉


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